Find Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank IFSC Code

List of Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code, Branch Code and Addresses in India

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Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank IFSC Code

Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank IFSC code is a 11-digit code which is used to identify a bank branch for electronic transactions like NEFT, RTGS & IMPS. It is alphanumeric code is different for each bank branch of a particular bank.

For example, the Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank IFSC code for the "Daman" branch is "CCBL0DMN131".

Ways to Money Transfer through Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank

There are three ways to transfer money through Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank -

  1. National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
  2. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
  3. Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

Other Bank's IFSC Code